Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide User Guide

Register Your Test-Takers

You've taken attendance on the first day of class and have confirmed your final roster of students. Now you need to convert those student names into registered Test-takers for use in TAO. In most cases, the instructor or anyone assigned to administer a course's tests will register the test-takers into the assessment system. To do this is relatively painless and only has to be done at the beginning of the course calendar.

Step 1: In the Assessment Builder Bar, select Test-takers.

This brings up in the Actions Bar, in addition to Properties and Export, icons for new classes, new Test-takers, and imports.

Step 2: In the Test-taker Library, click on a desired class, or on the Test-taker folder itself.

If a new class (folder) is required, click on New Class and rename the label (folder name) accordingly. Otherwise, continue to the next step.

Step 3: After clicking on the class within which the new Test-takers are to be stored, click New Test-taker to create new profiles.

This brings up the Edit Subject pane for a newly created Test-taker with eight fields to fill in. The first four fields may be left untouched, while the last four require input before hitting the blue Save button below. However, entering in as much information as possible is recommended.

Step 4: To be complete, fill in the first four fields (despite the fact that they are not required).

The first field asks for a label, or profile name. This can be a good place to place the test-taker’s name, particularly if the next two fields (First Name and Last Name) are left blank (again, though, filling in all fields is a recommended practice). Mail allows entry of an email address, which may be used to communicate with the test-taker.

Step 5: Fill in all the required fields (the last four).

Required fields include those for the Interface Language (which includes Danish, English, French, Portuguese, and Swedish), an assigned login (must be unique in the system), and an assigned password (which is to be repeated in the fourth required field to ensure that it has been entered in as intended). Once these are entered in, hit the blue Save button. Repeat these steps for all members of your class, bearing in mind that the next step is to organize them into Groups.