Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide User Guide

User Management

TAO concentrates its User Management functions all under the Users icon (two heads), located on the right side of the Assessment Builder Bar. User-related functions, accessible to Global Managers, is organized in five functional tabs: Manage Users, Add A User, Edit A User, Manage Roles, and Manage Access Rights. Managing roles is of such importance that it will be covered under its own section, Role Management. But the remainder of the tabs will be reviewed here.

Manage Users: This tab provides an overview of all the users registered in your TAO system. Included are managers, test-takers, and other roles assigned to the accounts of individuals whom you have granted access. From this page, edits can be carried out and reviewed in an easily read table.

Add a User: This tab allows the creation of new User accounts on your TAO system. These can include any manager or any Test-taker.

Edit a User: This tab opens any existing User account on your TAO system in order that information on the account can be changed. Normally it is accessed through the Manage Users tab.

Manage Access Rights: This tab provides the means for changing the access rights of roles within your TAO system. Access to modules can be changed in this tab, either adding or removing them from a specific role.

The following are typical mini-procedures that involve User Management:

Adding a user: Click on the Add a user tab. Within the panel that appears in the canvas area, fill in the following fields: Label (full name or easy-to-remember nickname), Data Language (language used by administrators), Interface Language (language used by the user), Login (must be unique, cannot be changed once set), Roles (as desired), Password and Repeat Password (to be given to the user). Optionally, fill in the First Name, Last Name, and Mail (E-mail) fields.

Managing users, or editing a user profile: Click on the Manage Users tab. Find the profile that you wish to edit. Review the information available in the table, and then click the Edit button. Change any of the data within the resulting panel (note, you won't be able to change the login - if you need to find a solution to a login conflict, you will have to resolve this without editing this field). This is the procedure used for such actions as changing passwords, e-mail contact information, etc.

Removing users: Click on the Manage Users tab. Find the profile that you wish to remove. Click on the Remove button, and then after double-checking that you've clicked on the right line, confirm the removal in the resulting pop-up window.

Customizing or editing access rights for different roles: Click on the Manage Access Rights tab. In the resulting menu within the first column in the canvas area, select the role in which you wish to adjust. Review the Modules list in the second column. Check the appropriate boxes for those modules you want the role to access (or de-check those boxes you don't want the role to access any longer).