Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide User Guide

Create a New Delivery

Assembled deliveries provide the means of publishing and administering tests. These govern when and how long a Test will be taken by selected individual or groups of Test-takers. As such, putting together a delivery can take place only after creation of interactions, assembly of the Test to be delivered, creation of Test-taker profiles, and collection of Test-takers into formal Groups. All these play a part in putting together a Delivery.

Step 1: In the Assessment Builder Bar, select Deliveries. In the Deliveries Library, click on a desired class, or on the Assembled Delivery folder itself.

This brings up in the Actions Bar, in addition to Properties, icons for New Class and New Delivery. If a new class (folder) is required, click on New Class and rename the label (folder name) accordingly. Otherwise, continue to the next step.

Step 2: After clicking on the class within which the delivery is supposed to be stored, click New Delivery in the Action Bar to create a new delivery.

This brings up a Create a New Delivery pane that asks for a test selection. From the pull-down menu, select the test that is to be sent to test-takers in this delivery. Once selected, click Publish.

Step 3: Set delivery properties in the Properties pane.

Label: the default name of the delivery is “Delivery of Test Name”. This can be changed as needed.

Maximum number of executions: if left unfilled, Test-takers may take the test an unlimited number of times. Setting this number to any non-zero integer will limit the test-takers to that many tries on the test.

Start date and end date establishes the earliest date and time and latest date and time that the exam can be open. Provide the date and time in the following order: year, month, day, and 24-hour time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM)

Lastly, choose where the results should be stored (this defaults to TAO Results Server 2.5, or DB storage).

Step 4: Assign the test to a group of Test-takers in the panes below the Properties pane.

The Assigned to pane contains all available groups of Test-takers. When a group is selected, hit the blue Save button below. If there are Test-takers in the group who, for whatever reason, should not be taking this exam (because of absence, remedial assignments, etc.), click the blue button at the bottom of the Test-takers pane that reads Excluded Test-takers. This brings up a pop-up window that includes windows containing the names of the assigned Test-takers in the group, and a window that can hold excluded Test-takers. To move a person from assigned status to excluded status, simply click on that person’s name in the assigned column (likewise, click on the name in the excluded column if it has been put there by mistake). Click save (or cancel, if necessary) to close the pop-up window.