Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide User Guide

What is TAO

TAO is, simply stated, the future of online assessment development.

Open Assessment Technologies (OAT) takes pride in having developed TAO ("Computer-Based Testing" or Testing Assisté par Ordinateur in French), one of the most advanced test authoring tools on the market using the Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) standard for E-test development. The company, OAT, and product, TAO, form together what is soon to become one of the best remembered palindromes among teachers and test authors. TAO, after all, represents one of the first great steps beyond the domination of expensive and inflexible proprietary testing software.

Almost as easy as taking pen to paper, and with results that are a lot more impressive, TAO enables educators and other test-writers to create E-tests on the fly, and easily administer them to students - from classroom to nationwide - in just minutes. Furthermore, grades can be ready for review and evaluation moments after the last test is submitted.

Why TAO: the Leading Open Source, QTI and LTI-Compliant Assessment Platform

TAO is the first commercial-grade Open Source assessment development software on the market. It is QTI and LTI standards-based, and operates under audit-proof transparency. Developers can access the source code for their own test creating or administering purposes, opening the user to a wide range of potential customizations. Complete ownership of test design has never been this easy; without the restrictions and high costs of proprietary testing, all assessments can easily display the educational institutions signature details. Further, TAO is fully compatible with just about all of your favorite commercial add-ons.

TAO is certified as QTI compliant in four categories

  • Authoring and editing systems
  • Delivery systems
  • Item and test bank systems
  • QTI content

What this means is that TAO test content is entirely portable, secure, and ready for any curricula that embraces technology-centric education models. As of 2015, it has been deployed to more than a million students in over 70 countries.

OAT has selected as its mission to work for the Common Good in Education, and we value your feedback and suggestions in helping us meet our commitment to this ideal.