Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide User Guide

Importing Items

Interactions can be taken from any computer and imported onto any other computer that also has access to TAO. This is done through a specific operation called Import.

Step 1: Upon opening Items from the Assessment Builder Bar, click on the Item class (folder) in its library. On the Actions Bar, click Import.

This opens a pane that asks, among the supported input formats (Open Web Item or OWI, Question and Test Interoperability or QTI, or Resource Description Framework or RDF), to choose the format of the anticipated incoming Item. Be sure that the imported item is in this format or the import won't work. Once the format is selected, click the blue Browse button to find the file intended for import (alternatively, the file may be dragged and dropped into the pane below the button).

Step 2: Once the Item is selected, hit the blue Import button.

This will import the item into the Item library, after which it can be added to Tests or modified.