Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide User Guide

Match Interaction

The Match interaction provides Test-takers a matrix upon which they can demonstrate knowledge by accurately associating a selection from one set of elements with another selection from a second set of elements. The association is carried out by placing check marks in squares at the intersection of matching rows and columns.

Step 1: From the Common Interactions menu in the Library Panel, drag the Match icon onto the blank Item and drop the resulting box in the blue field that appears when the interaction is dragged over it.

This creates a new Match Interaction window. There will be a field for placing in a question at the top, and a default 2-row-by-2-column matrix.

Step 2: Fill in the question field.

This should describe the match association task expected of the Test-taker.

Step 3: Insert in the rows the first set of elements, and in the columns the second set of elements that are to be associated with the first.

If necessary, add as many rows and columns as will be needed to cover all the associations. If desired, add in unassociated elements in either the rows or columns to provide additional uncertainty for the Test-taker.

Step 4: Address the Interaction Properties Panel (on the left).

Determine if the row and column options should be shuffled (recommended if the order of presentation of either sets of elements is not important), and the minimum and maximum number of answers that will be required of the Test-taker.

Step 5: In the blue interaction header, hit Response, and then address the Response Properties Panel (on the left).

First, select the type of Response Processing. If this will be match correct, nothing more will need to be addressed in this panel other than Modal Feedback (if desired). If the processing will be map response, then the next property to address is the Score Range; determine the minimum score that will be assigned the student (for getting everything wrong), and the maximum score (for getting everything right), as well as the mapping default (the contribution to the score resulting from selecting the wrong answer). Define Correct Response should be checked in most cases.

Step 6: Select correct responses and assign scores (if using map response processing).

In order to make the most use of the score weighting, the total scores assigned should equal the maximum score in the Score Range. If the total scores are more than this, the maximum score value from the range will be applied. As noted in the dialogue window above the Item, the number of correct choices should be between the minimum and maximum number of answers required of the test-taker in Step 4.

If modal feedback is desirable for this interaction, enter it at this point. For more details on how to do this, see the Modal Feedback section.

Step 7: Click the blue Done button.

When this is done, you can preview what your Match interaction looks like. For more on how to preview, review its section.