Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide User Guide

Media Interaction

The Media interaction allows the Test-taker to view a multimedia presentation (image slide show, YouTube video, etc.), usually in connection with another interaction.

Step 1: From the Common Interactions menu in the Library Panel, drag the Media icon onto the blank Item and drop the resulting box in the blue field that appears when the interaction is dragged over it.

This creates a Resource Manager upload window, through which the test author may select a media file that is already in the resource library, or upload to the library a new media file from elsewhere on that user's personal computer (note that size and file type restrictions apply). Alternatively, the user may close out of this resource window and in the Interaction Properties panel set in the web address of an online video or audio resource (such as in YouTube, etc.).

Once a video or audio file is uploaded from the resource window, that window will close out by itself and the Item with the Media Interaction will come to the forefront. At the top, there will be a field for placing in a question at the top, and the media element below that.

Step 2: Fill in the question field.

This will describe the task given to the Test-taker ("View carefully the following film", "Listen to the inflections in the following sound bite", etc.).

Step 3: In the Properties Panel, determine the size of the screen on which the video or audio will play, select if the media device should autostart (begin playing on opening the item), loop (play over and over again), and be allowed to pause, and if looped, how many times it should play through before stopping.

These property options will affect how the Test-taker views the media object while it is playing.

Step 4: If desired, add a further interaction below the Media interaction.

Usually, a Media interaction is used to present a film or sound clip, from which a series of questions may be added. To do this, drag the appropriate other interaction from the menu on the right.

Step 5: Click the blue Done button.

When this is done, you can preview what your Media item looks like. For more on how to preview, review its section.