Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide Open Assessment Technologies - TAO User Guide User Guide

Choice Interaction

Choice Interaction, most frequently referred to as the multiple choice question (MCQ), presents a Test question type that has been made popular by such time-honored exams as the SAT, ACT, PSAT/NMSQT, etc. Choice interactions are preferable to free-response test interactions in cases where more test questions need to be fit into a shorter-duration exam period. Where time is of the essence is where this type of testing interaction is particularly useful.

For a quick glimpse of how to create a Multiple-Choice item in TAO, please watch the video below.

Choice Interaction

Step 1: From the Common Interactions library, drag the Choice icon onto the blank Item and drop into the blue block on the canvas.

This provides the selection boxes for your multiple-choice interaction. By default, the cursor should be on the question field above three answer choices.

Step 2: Enter the question in the question field at the top of the interaction.

Note that the A icon on the right allows you to put your text in bold or in italic for instance, and insert a picture.

Step 3: This interaction has by default three choices in which to place alternative answers. Click choice #1 text to edit the field it is in. Type the first answer option in this field. Repeat this step with the other choices to populate those fields.

Note that you can add more options by clicking the Add Choice blue field below the first three choices (keep clicking until the desired number of choices appear in the item), and you can delete options by clicking the trash can icon to the right of the choice you wish to delete.

The A icon on the right allows you to put your text in bold or in italic for instance, and insert a picture into your question.

Step 4: When all your choices have been defined, go to the Properties Panel and open Interaction Properties. Then define the number of choices that the user will be asked to provide.

By default, your MCQ is made of checkboxes, with a max of 0 (that means that your Test-taker can select as many as choices he wants).

To set up a radio button quiz item, select a maximum of 1. This means that your Test-taker will be not allowed to select more than one choice. You can see on your interaction that radio buttons will be displayed.

Tips -> If an answer is required, the Min choice should be at least "1" . If an answer is not required, select "0".

Additionally, you'll notice above this in the Properties Panel is the option to shuffle choices. Check this option will make your choices appear in a different order for each Test-taker. This allows the test publisher to negate the use of tried Test-taker strategies of guessing like "always select B if you don't know" or for cheating between earlier Test-takers and those taking the Test after them. Where the order isn't important, this is recommended.

Tips -> Realize that to use this option, you won't want to prefix answers with A., B. … or 1., 2. … etc.

Step 5. Now to define the answer, on the interaction header, click on Response on the far right, (avoid clicking the trash can, as this will lead to deleting the interaction)

This activates options for setting the correct answer.

Step 6. Select the correct answer by clicking the box ahead of it.

You can select more than one answer.

Step 7. Click Done once you have finish your Choice interaction.

To check that the question appears to the Test-takers as you want them to see it, review the Preview entry.