JWKS endpoint
How to expose a JWKS endpoint (JSON Web Key Set) with this library.
Note: The algorithm RS256
is used by default.
Export a JWK from a key chain
Considering you have for example on your side this key chain:
- public key path:
- private key path:
- private key passphrase:
To extract the JWK (JSON Web Key) properties, you can use the JwkRS256Exporter as following:
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Security\Jwks\Exporter\Jwk\JwkRS256Exporter;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Security\Key\KeyChainFactory;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Security\Key\KeyInterface;
$keyChain = (new KeyChainFactory)->create(
$jwkExport = (new JwkRS256Exporter())->export($keyChain);
- the $jwkExport
variable now contain the needed JWK properties:
"alg": "RS256",
"kty": "RSA",
"use": "sig",
"n": "...",
"e": "...",
"kid": "1"
Export a JWKS from multiple key chains
Considering you have for example on your side those key chains:
Chain 1:
- public key path: /home/user/.ssh/chain1/id_rsa.pub
- private key path: /home/user/.ssh/chain1/id_rsa
- private key passphrase: test1
Chain 2:
- public key path: /home/user/.ssh/chain2/id_rsa.pub
- private key path: /home/user/.ssh/chain2/id_rsa
- private key passphrase: test2
You can then use the KeyChainRepository:
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Security\Key\KeyChainFactory;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Security\Key\KeyChainRepository;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Security\Key\KeyInterface;
$keyChain1 = (new KeyChainFactory)->create(
$keyChain2 = (new KeyChainFactory)->create(
$keyChainRepository = new KeyChainRepository();
$keySet = $keyChainRepository->findByKeySetName('myKeySetName'); // = [$keyChain1, $keyChain2]
Note: you can also provide your own KeyChainRepositoryInterface implementation, to store keys in database by example.
To extract the JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) properties for you key set name myKeySetName
, you can use the JwksExporter as following:
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Security\Jwks\Exporter\JwksExporter;
$jwksExport = (new JwksExporter($keyChainRepository))->export('myKeySetName');
Now the $jwksExport
array contains the needed JWKS properties ready to be exposed to provide a JWKS endpoint from your application:
"keys": [
"alg": "RS256",
"kty": "RSA",
"use": "sig",
"n": "...",
"e": "...",
"kid": "kid1"
"alg": "RS256",
"kty": "RSA",
"use": "sig",
"n": "...",
"e": "...",
"kid": "kid2"
Provide a JWKS response
You can expose the JwksRequestHandler in an application controller to provide a ready to use JWKS PSR7 response for a given key set name:
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Security\Jwks\Exporter\JwksExporter;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Security\Jwks\Server\JwksRequestHandler;
$handler = new JwksRequestHandler(new JwksExporter($keyChainRepository));
$response = $handler->handle('myKeySetName');
Note: Up to you to provide the logic to retrieve the key set name to expose.