Basic Outcome Tool - Basic Outcome Service Client
How to use the BasicOutcomeServiceClient to perform authenticated basic outcome service calls as a tool.
This library provides a BasicOutcomeServiceClient (based on the LtiServiceClient) that allow the following outcome operations:
Read a result
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3BasicOutcome\Service\Client\BasicOutcomeServiceCLient;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Message\Payload\LtiMessagePayloadInterface;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Registration\RegistrationRepositoryInterface;
// Related registration
/** @var RegistrationRepositoryInterface $registrationRepository */
$registration = $registrationRepository->find(...);
// Related LTI 1.3 message payload
/** @var LtiMessagePayloadInterface $payload */
$payload = ...;
$client = new BasicOutcomeServiceCLient();
$response = $client->readResultForPayload(
$registration, // [required] as the tool, it will call the platform of this registration
$payload // [required] for the LTI message payload containing the basic outcome claim result sourced id (got at LTI launch)
// you also can directly read a result for a given basic outcome claim
$response = $client->readResultForClaim(
$registration, // [required] as the tool, it will call the platform of this registration
$payload->getBasicOutcome() // [required] for the basic outcome claim result sourced id (got at LTI launch)
// or you also can directly read a result from given URL and result sourced id
$response = $client->readResult(
$registration, // [required] as the tool, it will call the platform of this registration
'', // [required] to a given basic outcome service url
'resultSourcedId' // [required] for a given result sourced id
if ($response->isSuccess()) {
// you can access the score
$score = $response->getScore();
// you can access the language
$language = $response->getLanguage();
// you can access the description of the operation
$description = $response->getDescription();
// you can also access if needed basic outcome response metadata
$identifier = $response->getIdentifier();
$refIdentifier = $response->getReferenceRequestIdentifier();
$refType = $response->getReferenceRequestType();
Replace a result
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3BasicOutcome\Service\Client\BasicOutcomeServiceCLient;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Message\Payload\LtiMessagePayloadInterface;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Registration\RegistrationRepositoryInterface;
// Related registration
/** @var RegistrationRepositoryInterface $registrationRepository */
$registration = $registrationRepository->find(...);
// Related LTI 1.3 message payload
/** @var LtiMessagePayloadInterface $payload */
$payload = ...;
$client = new BasicOutcomeServiceCLient();
$response = $client->replaceResultForPayload(
$registration, // [required] as the tool, it will call the platform of this registration
$payload, // [required] for the LTI message payload containing the basic outcome claim result sourced id (got at LTI launch)
0.42, // [required] for a given score
'en' // [optional] for a given language
// you also can directly replace a result for a given basic outcome claim, score and language
$response = $client->replaceResultForClaim(
$registration, // [required] as the tool, it will call the platform of this registration
$payload->getBasicOutcome(), // [required] for the basic outcome claim result sourced id (got at LTI launch)
0.42, // [required] for a given score
'en' // [optional] for a given language
// or you also can directly replace a result on given URL, result sourced id, score and language
$response = $client->replaceResult(
$registration, // [required] as the tool, it will call the platform of this registration
'', // [required] to a given basic outcome service url
'resultSourcedId', // [required] for a given result sourced id
0.42, // [required] for a given score
'en' // [optional] for a given language
if ($response->isSuccess()) {
// you can access the description of the operation
$description = $response->getDescription();
// you can also access if needed basic outcome response metadata
$identifier = $response->getIdentifier();
$refIdentifier = $response->getReferenceRequestIdentifier();
$refType = $response->getReferenceRequestType();
Delete a result
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3BasicOutcome\Service\Client\BasicOutcomeServiceCLient;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Message\Payload\LtiMessagePayloadInterface;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Registration\RegistrationRepositoryInterface;
// Related registration
/** @var RegistrationRepositoryInterface $registrationRepository */
$registration = $registrationRepository->find(...);
// Related LTI 1.3 message payload
/** @var LtiMessagePayloadInterface $payload */
$payload = ...;
$client = new BasicOutcomeServiceCLient();
$response = $client->deleteResultForPayload(
$registration, // [required] as the tool, it will call the platform of this registration
$payload // [required] for the LTI message payload containing the basic outcome claim result sourced id (got at LTI launch)
// you also can directly delete a result for a given basic outcome claim
$response = $client->deleteResultForClaim(
$registration, // [required] as the tool, it will call the platform of this registration
$payload->getBasicOutcome() // [required] for the basic outcome claim result sourced id (got at LTI launch)
// or you also can directly delete a result on given URL and result sourced id
$response = $client->deleteResult(
$registration, // [required] as the tool, it will call the platform of this registration
'', // [required] to a given basic outcome service url
'resultSourcedId' // [required] for a given result sourced id
if ($response->isSuccess()) {
// you can access the description of the operation
$description = $response->getDescription();
// you can also access if needed basic outcome response metadata
$identifier = $response->getIdentifier();
$refIdentifier = $response->getReferenceRequestIdentifier();
$refType = $response->getReferenceRequestType();