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AGS scopes permissions voter

How to use the ScopePermissionVoter to check what is allowed to do as a tool from the AGS claim given by the platform at LTI launch time.

During an LTI launch, the platform may provide an AGS claim containing the list of allowed scopes:

"": {
  "scope": [
  "lineitems": "",
  "lineitem": ""

You can use the ScopePermissionVoter to easily check what is allowed by the platform:


use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Ags\Voter\ScopePermissionVoter;

$agsClaimScopes = [

var_dump(ScopePermissionVoter::canReadLineItem($agsClaimScopes));  // true
var_dump(ScopePermissionVoter::canWriteLineItem($agsClaimScopes)); // false
var_dump(ScopePermissionVoter::canReadResult($agsClaimScopes));    // true
var_dump(ScopePermissionVoter::canWriteScore($agsClaimScopes));    // false

// You can also get all permissions at once