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AGS library interfaces

Depending on the AGS services you want to provide as a platform, you have to provide your own implementations of the following interfaces.

Line item repository interface

Required by:

In order to manage your line items, you need to provide an implementation of the LineItemRepositoryInterface.

For example:


use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Ags\Model\LineItem\LineItemInterface;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Ags\Model\LineItem\LineItemCollectionInterface;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Ags\Repository\LineItemRepositoryInterface;

$lineItemRepository = new class implements LineItemRepositoryInterface
    public function find(string $lineItemIdentifier): ?LineItemInterface
        // TODO: Implement find() method.

    public function findCollection(
        ?string $resourceIdentifier = null,
        ?string $resourceLinkIdentifier = null,
        ?string $tag = null,
        ?int $limit = null,
        ?int $offset = null
    ): LineItemCollectionInterface {
        // TODO: Implement findCollection() method.

    public function save(LineItemInterface $lineItem): LineItemInterface
        // TODO: Implement save() method.

    public function delete(string $lineItemIdentifier): void
        // TODO: Implement delete() method.

  • the save() method will be called by the LTI service handlers for both line items creation and update, up to you to handle line items identifier generation the way you want in case of creation
  • a simple implementation example can be found in the library tests

Score repository interface

Required by:

In order to manage your scores, you need to provide an implementation of the ScoreRepositoryInterface.

For example:


use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Ags\Model\Score\ScoreInterface;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Ags\Repository\ScoreRepositoryInterface;

$scoreRepository = new class implements ScoreRepositoryInterface
    public function save(ScoreInterface $score): ScoreInterface
        // TODO: Implement save() method.

  • the interface does not provide methods to find scores, up to you to add dedicated methods in your repository implementation to handle this the way you want
  • a simple implementation example can be found in the library tests

Result repository interface

Required by:

In order to be able to manage your results, you need to provide an implementation of the ResultRepositoryInterface.

For example:


use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Ags\Model\Result\ResultInterface;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Ags\Model\Result\ResultCollectionInterface;
use OAT\Library\Lti1p3Ags\Repository\ResultRepositoryInterface;

$resultRepository = new class implements ResultRepositoryInterface
    public function findCollectionByLineItemIdentifier(
        string $lineItemIdentifier,
        ?int $limit = null,
        ?int $offset = null
    ): ResultCollectionInterface {
        // TODO: Implement findCollectionByLineItemIdentifier() method.

    public function findByLineItemIdentifierAndUserIdentifier(
        string $lineItemIdentifier,
        string $userIdentifier
    ): ?ResultInterface {
        // TODO: Implement findByLineItemIdentifierAndUserIdentifier() method.

  • the interface does not provide methods to persist results, p to you to add dedicated methods in your repository implementation to handle this the way you want
  • as per AGS specifications , the findByLineItemIdentifierAndUserIdentifier() method must return the most relevant result for a given line item and user
  • a simple implementation example can be found in the library tests